Lost sight

“But we want results NOW. We want the shortcut to the winner’s podium. We need the instant gratification. And when we don’t get the short-term glory, sometimes we lose sight of those long-term goals.

They fade.

We lose focus.

So we stop the daily tasks and daily disciplines that will allow us to achieve our goals. And a day slips by. And then another day. And a day turns into a week and a week into a year. And you look up in six weeks or six months or six years… and you’ve made no progress: NONE. “

“…Don’t do that. Embed that long-term goal in your mind. Burn it in your soul. Think about it, write about it, talk about it. Hang it up on your wall. But most important:

Do something about it.

Every day.”

—Joke Willink, Discipline Equals Freedom

What long term goal have you lost sight of?

What daily action can you take to get yourself back on track?




What would we learn?