Lent get it on!
Lent is upon us and it is that time of year when we take time out to reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many will make it a time of prayer and fasting that leads up to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter.
People find a variety of things to give up during Lent. Sometimes it's food, drinking alcohol, swearing, coffee or any other vice they can think of giving up.
Often, people will take on some things like praying, reading the Bible, practicing gratitude, serving or any other virtue they can think of taking up.
Either way, we humble ourselves through sacrifice in thanksgiving for what Christ did for us on the Cross.
For me, this Lenten season, I have committed to a couple of practices as I seek to draw near to Jesus during this time:
Social Media Fast
I spend way to much time on my phone and on social media. It is a hinderance and distraction for me. It something I know will be difficult to walk away from so I know the practice will be beneficial.
Writing and Posting
This is something I would consider “taking up." Writing is fun for me and, if I have something of value to share, I want to share it. As much as I enjoy sharing, this is also a difficult exercise for me. Writing and posting can invite rejection and judgement, two things I try hard to avoid. Posting daily will be an exercise in humility and courage.
Confession and Self-Examination
I am wholly aware that I am not perfect and I have a lot of flaws I need to work out with the Lord. I don’t particularly like that because I tend to allow my mistakes to define me. Instead I need to be defined by my identity in Christ. So I am putting together some exercises to allow God to work through those things, seek His forgiveness, and experience transformation though the love of Christ.
So, that will be my focus for the next 40 days.
Is Lent something you observe? What are you giving up? What are you taking on?
My hope is that whatever you do, it draws you closer the Savior, Jesus Christ!