Arm Chair Expert
It is March Madness time and that is when all the Arm Chair Experts start coming out of the woodwork.
The Urban Dictionary defines an Arm Chair Expert as someone who claims to know all the answers to a problem, situation, or scenario but has little or no experience or real understanding of it.
We watch all the college basketball games and yell things like:
"What are you thinking!"
"That was a stupid play!”
"My grandma would have made that shot!"
"Come on! What a terrible call!"
"Box him out!"
"Really, that is the shot you're taking?”
(The last one was something I actually just said!)
I think the so called Arm Chair Eperts are fools. And yes, I count myself as well!
Why do we think we would have done any better than the kid who is actually on the court?
In our mind, we would have done differently. We would have done it right. We would have made the right pass or hit the big shot.
But the reality is, we are full of it.
We criticize those who are doing the work, taking the action, and putting in the effort. We do that because we hope it will distract from the fact that we are NOT doing the work, taking the action, or putting in the effort.
We criticize but have no right to do so, unless we too are taking action. The crazy thing is, if we are taking action, we probably aren’t criticizing because you know what it is like to take action, fail, and fall short. We understand because we have been there.
This March Madness we, need to respect the effort. Upsets will happen. Free throws and big shots will be missed. Turnovers will change the outcome of the game. Players will blow it big time. Some will experience the thrill of victory, others will experience the agony of defeat. But, at least they got a chance to play in the game.
It is time for you to step on the field of life: take action, fail, learn, and try again. You can do it!